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10 Ways to Relieve Drowsiness Apart from Drinking Coffee (Healthy & Effective)


Therefore, please don't just rely on coffee as a way to prevent sleepiness. After all, there are a number of other ways to hold back sleep besides coffee. Anything? Check out the following information. 

1. Drink Water Who would have thought, water is a drink that prevents sleepiness besides coffee which is also no less effective in driving away sleepiness. The reason, one of the causes of sleepiness is a lack of fluids in the body (dehydration). 

When the body is dehydrated, the heart will work harder to pump blood, and the supply of oxygen to the brain becomes blocked. This then causes the body to experience more fatigue which is characterized by a feeling of sleepiness. Therefore, drinking large amounts of water is a powerful way of holding back drowsiness to get rid of unbearable drowsiness. 

2. Breakfast You are ready to move in the morning, but the feeling of sleepiness has not gone away? Missed breakfast rituals may be the cause. 

In fact, breakfast has an important role in making the body always fit and free from sleepiness throughout the day. This is because in fact, breakfast serves to supply energy for the body to be able to carry out various activities during the day. A body that has just been 'turned on' after a night's sleep needs new fuel before returning to its tasks. So, before leaving for work, school, or about to do other routines, don't forget to have breakfast first, okay? 

3. Wash your face In cases where sleepiness appears in the afternoon or evening when you are busy, another way to prevent sleepiness is to wash your face. Based on a study released by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, water has benefits for improving mood, even eliminating sleepiness. 

4. Sports No need to do strenuous exercise, just light exercise such as push-ups, jogging, or just stretching your muscles can actually help you to get rid of unbearable drowsiness. When sleepiness strikes, take about 15-20 minutes in between your busy schedules to do this light exercise. Don't forget to compensate by holding back other sleepiness, such as drinking water or washing your face for maximum results. 

5. Provide Snacks Sleepiness is caused by the body running out of energy. Therefore, make sure your body does not get too short of energy. Sources of energy can be obtained from food and drink. But of course you can't eat a heavy meal every few hours, can you? Especially if you are currently on a diet program. The solution, consume snacks or snacks to keep the body from losing a lot of energy so that it avoids feeling sleepy. Choose a type of snack that is also healthy, such as whole grain cereals, yogurt, fresh fruit, or fruit juice. Besides being effective as a 'drowsiness medicine', these foods and drinks are also healthy and don't make you fat. 

6. Take a break from busyness Staring at a computer screen for long is also often a trigger for feeling sleepy in the afternoon and evening. If it's like this, then instead of drinking coffee, try to get out of your chair for a moment and go outside the office for a moment to just breathe fresh air. Or, you can browse your favorite sites, such as online media. This method is effective in getting rid of the feeling of boredom produced by work activities, where this causes a feeling of sleepiness. If you feel sleepy is gone, then do your work again. 

7. Nap If sleepy can not be held anymore, there is nothing wrong for you to obey the body's desire to rest. Just like in the previous point, take a little time to close your eyes after a few moments to restore energy. But remember, don't take too long because excessive naps actually add to the feeling of tiredness accompanied by headaches and body aches. 

8. Listening to Music It seems that everyone agrees that music is one of the most enjoyable and effective ways to hold back sleep. Listening to music, especially favorite music, is able to restore the spirit in oneself, also improve the mood (mood) that had been lost due to feeling so sleepy. Choose a type of music that has a fast and energetic rhythm. 

9. Interacting with People Around Interacting with people around you, whether it's coworkers or school friends, is a way to get rid of sleepiness that should be done. Moreover, if you and the other person you are talking to later find an interesting topic of conversation, guaranteed sleepiness will disappear instantly. In addition, this activity is certainly useful to increase your familiarity with the people around you. 

10. Inhaling Aromatherapy The last most effective way to hold back sleep you can try is to inhale aromatherapy, either in the form of candles or medium other. Aromatherapy is proven to have a calming effect so that it affects the mood (mood) for the better. A good mood, of course, prevents you from experiencing what is called sleepiness while on the move. You can choose aromatherapy with a strong aroma, such as the aroma of fruit, peppermint, or lavender flowers. Well, those are some tips or ways to hold back sleep besides drinking coffee that you need to know and try to apply when you're sleepy. 

How, not only coffee to keep your eyes awake during the day, right? Good luck!

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